If you don't find your question below, please email info@archandaislerentals.com and we will be happy to answer any questions!

Q: Where can I find some instructions for how to rent?
Renting from us is simple and easy! Go to the CONTACT page and fill out the questions. We will then send you a quote. Upon approval of the quote, we will send you an invoice. 
Q: How do payments work?
We offer 2 payment options: Payment via SHOP PAY which splits it into 4 payments or AFFIRM pay which splits in into multiple payment options.
Q: How far does your included delivery fees go?
The first 12 miles are free. If your location exceeds 12 miles, we charge $1/extra mile x 4. Please see our terms and conditions for an example of how we calculate the fee.
Q: What are the pickup fees for pickups after 9pm?
9:30PM charge of $50
10PM charge of of $100
10:30pm charge of $150
11PM charge of $200
1130pm charge of $250
12AM charge of $300
Q: What if I want to see an Arch and/or aisle arrangements in person first?
We do not offer the service of in-person showings of our products because they are too large and cumbersome to transport. We instead aim to provide clear and precise photos and videos on our website and social media platforms to give insight into what our products look like up closely. If you would like to see even more images or videos up close, email us and we will assist you.
Q: Can I request custom floral arches and arrangements to be made and rented? 
Custom arches can be requested and have a starting price of $1200. We do however recommend choosing from our current selection with the continuing option of adding silk/fresh flowers for customization. 
Q: I am having problems checking out, is the checkout button not working? First, please check to see if the browser you are using is Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer is not supported by our website host Shopify. If so, open a different browser like Google Chrome or Safari. If this doesn't solve your problem, please email us.